Oscars, 2012. Disappointment. Disgust. Rage.
All directed at Angelina Jolie’s right leg and the dictated "glamour" of Hollywood. Why do we get sucked into this starlet’s mental health issue? Our gawking and idolizing play right into her narcissism. Reportedly, Angelina has a history of psychiatric trouble. Reportedly, she has admitted to eating as little as 600 calories per day. Reportedly, she stands with the foreign refugee kids she helps..."if they can't eat, I can't eat." For whatever reason she does what she does, let's call it what it is: UNHEALTHY. But really, what a role model she might be if only she could care enough about herself and all the young women around the world who idolize her. Clearly, she's too sick to recognize her misguided portrayal of health and beauty. Yes, Dr. Drew and others have called her “malnourished” and “dangerously thin”. Great. That's a start. But it's up to young women to refuse this notion of "beauty". Like Grandma always said, “beauty comes from within”. Beauty is compassion and confidence in being a true role model. Angie seems to have it all (on the outside) ... AND an eating disorder. Go ahead and look, but don't idolize her. Feel sorry for her and then look the other way.
I am Jill Brown, Registered Dietitian at The Hull Institute. Those of you who know me know I am passionate about this issue. Those who don’t know me, well, here’s a glimpse! I couldn’t let this issue pass without comment.
At the close of Eating Disorders Awareness week, we invite you to spend some serious time pondering your values, your goals for yourself, who you want to be, and commit to becoming that person. If we at The Hull Institute can be of assistance, please contact us.
Follow directions. Ours, not ED’s, not Hollywood's.